Why Is Chiropractic Known for Treating Back Pain, Neck Pain, and Headaches?

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cramps b complex back pain hep b back pain strep b back pain amphotericin b back pain flu b back pain b lower back pain back pain cancer back pain causes back pain center back pain chart back pain constipation back pain cream back pain clinic back pain coughing back pain chiropractor back pain chest pain c section back pain vitamin c back pain c diff back pain hepatitis c back pain hep c back pain c section back pain relief d&c back pain ibs c back pain hepatitis c back pain symptoms vitamin c back pain relief back pain during early pregnancy back pain diagram back pain during ovulation back pain during period back pain diarrhea back pain during labor back pain dehydration back pain differential back pain down leg vitamin d back pain vitamin d back pain relief vit d back pain vitamin d back pain treatment vax-d back pain institute allegra d back pain d&c back pain after d-ribose back pain vitamin d back pain mayo clinic back pain exercises pdf back pain early pregnancy back pain epidural back pain emergency back pain essential oil back pain every morning back pain exam back pain emergency room back pain everyday e coli back pain e cig back pain e cigarette back pain a e back pain vitamin e back pain sam e back pain test e back pain e stim back pain e coli symptoms back pain e coli lower back pain back pain from sitting back pain from running back pain from gas back pain flu back pain from lifting back pain from standing back pain from stress back pain from squats back pain fever back pain frequent urination gonal f back pain causes of back pain back of heel pain gonal f lower back pain back pain f j f kennedy back pain back pain gas back pain gif back pain gerd back pain getting worse back pain groin pain back pain guidelines back pain gel back pain gallstones back pain guide back pain gluten g csf back pain mr g back pain g code for back pain back pain heart back pain headache back pain home remedies back pain help back pain heart attack back pain heat or ice back pain hip pain back pain humor back pain high blood pressure back pain how to sleep h pylori back pain h pylori back pain symptoms h wave back pain preparation h back pain h p back pain h pylori upper back pain h pylori lower back pain h pylori cause back pain h pylori bacteria back pain h pylori infection back pain back pain in pregnancy back pain icd 9 back pain in teens back pain injections back pain in the morning back pain in dogs back pain in middle of back back pain images back pain in women i lower back pain a sign of pregnancy i have back pain what to do i help back pain.com i have back pain lower i have lower back pain what to do i'm pregnant with back pain i can't move back pain back pain jokes back pain joint pain back pain jaw pain back pain joint pain fatigue back pain jackson tn back pain just below neck back pain just below rib cage back pain just above left hip back pain jacksonville fl back pain just below the shoulder blades j pouch back pain j curve back pain back pain j shaped j spine back pain j pouch lower back pain j shaped spine back pain back pain j posture back pain kidney infection back pain killers back pain knee pain back pain kidney failure back pain knots back pain knee brace back pain kt tape back pain keeping me up at night back pain knee pain hip pain k tape back pain vitamin k back pain k laser back pain k'tan back pain k-tape low back pain k pad for back pain k starr lower back pain k tape lower back pain k tape upper back pain k pack for back pain back pain lower back pain lower right back pain liver back pain leg pain back pain lung cancer back pain lungs back pain location back pain lying down back pain lumbar l lower back pain l sit back pain l carnitine back pain l sided back pain l glutamine back pain l upper back pain l5 back pain l arginine back pain l tyrosine back pain l mid back pain back pain middle back pain middle right back pain management back pain massage back pain mattress back pain muscle back pain machine back pain map back pain medications m drol back pains m s back pain u of m back pain clinic blue m&m back pain m pad for back pain u of m back pain u of m back & pain center m.e and back pain im having back pain back pain nausea back pain nerve back pain near kidneys back pain near shoulder blade back pain near spine back pain numb leg back pain near ribs back pain names back pain nausea diarrhea back pain neck pain neck n back pain stomach n back pain chest and back pain cramps n back pain while pregnant leg n back pain hip n back pain pregnancy and back pain wobenzym n back pain side n back pain primolut n back pain back pain on left side back pain on right side back pain on period back pain ovulation back pain only at night back pain on lower right side back pain over the counter back pain on both sides back pain office chair back pain ovarian cancer of back pain types of back pain symptoms of back pain middle of back pain treatment of back pain reason of back pain top of back pain bottom of back pain causes of back pain during pregnancy back pain period back pain pills back pain pillow back pain pms back pain pinched nerve back pain pneumonia back pain pictures back pain physical therapy back pain products p acnes back pain hifenac-p back pain substance p back pain p syndrome back pain p stim for back pain back pain p zerodol p for back pain back pain quiz back pain quotes back pain questionnaire back pain questions back pain quotes images back pain quick relief back pain quadrants back pain quality of life survey back pain queens back pain quizlet q fever back pain q flex back pain q l back pain back pain relief back pain reliever back pain red flags back pain running back pain radiating to leg back pain right side middle back pain relief medicine back pain radiating to groin back pain relief products r lower back pain r sided back pain r upper back pain r mid back pain chou r back pain pm&r back pain upper back pain r middle back pain r side lower back pain back pain specialist back pain stretches back pain stomach pain back pain sleeping back pain sign of labor back pain spasms back pain statistics back pain surgery back pain stress back pain shoulder blade a s back pain test a s back pain quiz s shaped back pain l/s back pain s lower back pain si joint back pain s hook for back pain s massager for back pain s bar for back pain back pain therapy back pain that comes and goes back pain test back pain trouble breathing back pain teenager back pain tingling back pain throwing up back pain that radiates to chest back pain thoracic t pain backseat action mp3 t pain back in time backseat action t pain t pain back at it mixtape download t pain back it up t pain back from the dead t nation back pain low t back pain t6 back pain t tapp back pain back pain upper back pain uti back pain upper left side back pain under shoulder blade back pain under right shoulder blade back pain upper right side back pain under ribs back pain upper middle back pain unspecified icd 10 back pain urgent care do u get back pain when ovulating can gas give u back pain can u get back pain from gastritis can u have back pain with appendicitis can ibs give u back pain back pain vomiting back pain virus back pain vs kidney back pain va rating back pain video back pain vitamins back pain vitamin d back pain vs back labor back pain vs liver pain back pain vertigo v ups back pain back pain or kidney pain prius v back pain v squat back pain v sit back pain v pillow for back pain kidney stone or back pain factor v leiden back pain back pain when sitting back pain when breathing back pain when coughing back pain while pregnant back pain when standing back pain with uti back pain when sneezing back pain when lying down back pain with fever back pain when pregnant sleeping w back pain cough w back pain fever w back pain low back pain w radiculopathy uti w back pain running w back pain pregnant w back pain pelvic adhesions w back pain waking up w back pain back pain w period back pain x ray back pain xanax back pain xarelto back pain xenoblade back pain x ray or mri back pain x ray guidelines back pain xray showed nothing back pain xanax withdrawal back pain x ray normal back pain x-ray results x ray back pain gas x back pain athlean x back pain x-plain back pain yoga x back pain kenpo x back pain x stop back pain fragile x back pain x ray lower back pain ab ripper x back pain back pain yoga back pain young back pain youtube back pain years after c section back pain years after spinal fusion surgery back pain years after epidural back pain young living back pain yellow stool back pain young age back pain you shouldn't ignore y back pain during periods y back pain during pregnancy y back pain in pregnancy y back pain occurs y touch back pain y touch pro back pain y touch pro back pain relief y do i have back pain back pain zoloft back pain zones back pain zika back pain zumba back pain zinc back pain zero gravity back pain zapper back pain zazen back pain zoladex back pain zyrtec z pak back pain trion z back pain z health back pain z position for back pain z pak lower back pain z health low back pain z-pack and lower back pain la-z-boy back pain z-joint mediated low back pain z coil shoes for back pain back pain icd 09 back pain 12 weeks pregnant back pain 14 weeks pregnant back pain 18 weeks back pain 1st trimester back pain 17 weeks pregnant back pain 13 weeks pregnant back pain 19 weeks back pain 11 weeks back pain 10dpo back pain 17 years old #1 back pain site pattern 1 back pain pattern 1 back pain exercises hsv 1 back pain 1 dpo back pain 1 week back pain type 1 back pain 1 year back pain 1 side back pain 1-800-back pain back pain 26 weeks pregnant back pain 24 weeks pregnant back pain 28 weeks back pain 23 weeks back pain 27 weeks pregnant back pain 20 weeks back pain 20 years old back pain 2 years after epidural back pain 2 months pregnant back pain 2 weeks back 2 pain pattern 2 back pain hsv 2 back pain concept 2 back pain 2 dpo back pain pattern 2 back pain exercises 2 weeks back pain type 2 back pain category 2 back pain herpes 2 back pain back pain 38 weeks back pain 37 weeks pregnant back pain 35 weeks back pain 34 weeks pregnant back pain 32 weeks pregnant back pain 39 weeks back pain 3 weeks pregnant back pain 36 weeks back pain 3rd trimester back pain 31 weeks pregnant pattern 3 back pain omega 3 back pain tylenol 3 back pain back pain 3dpo 3 weeks back pain mazda 3 back pain 3 months back pain opc 3 back pain 3 days back pain monistat 3 back pain back pain 4 weeks pregnant back pain 40 weeks back pain 4 days back pain 4dpo back pain 4 weeks postpartum back pain 4 weeks after hysterectomy back pain 4th 5th vertebrae back pain 4 months pregnant back pain 4.5 weeks pregnant back pain 4 days after iui for back pain for back pain which doctor to consult for back pain home remedies for back pain heat or ice for back pain relief for back pain exercises for back pain which mattress for back pain tablets for back pain what type of doctor for back pain hot or cold back pain 5 weeks back pain 5 days back pain 5 months postpartum back pain 5 days before period back pain 5 year old back pain 5dpo back pain 5 weeks pregnant twins back pain 5 weeks after hysterectomy back pain 5 months after epidural back pain 5 months pregnant 5 back pain stretches lumbar 5 back pain 5 weeks back pain 5 weeks back pain cramping 5 htp back pain 5 lower back pain stretches iphone 5 back paint form 5 back painted glass back pain 6 months back pain 6 weeks back pain 6 months after epidural back pain 6 days after ovulation back pain 6 months after spinal fusion back pain 6 months after laminectomy back pain 6dpo back pain 6th week pregnancy back pain 6 month old baby back pain 6 weeks after spinal block 6 dpo back pain 6 weeks back pain 6 dpo back pain bfp 6 essential back pain stretches 6 months back pain mazda 6 back pain lipo 6 back pain iphone 6 back paint 6 weeks back pain during pregnancy back pain 7 weeks pregnant back pain 7 months pregnant back pain 7dpo back pain 7 year old back pain 7 months postpartum back pain 7 days after ovulation back pain 7 weeks pregnant with twins back pain 7 weeks after epidural back pain 7 days before period back pain 724.5 7 back pain warning signs 7 day back pain cure 7 day back pain cure pdf 7 minute back pain solution 7 day back pain cure review channel 7 back pain 7 weeks back pain 7 day back pain cure book 7 news back pain back pain 8 weeks pregnant back pain 8dpo back pain 8 months postpartum back pain 8 year old back pain 8 months after epidural back pain 8 months pregnant back pain 8 days before period back pain 8 weeks after discectomy back pain 8 weeks pregnant with twins back pain 8 year old boy 8 weeks back pain 8 steps back pain 8 dpo back pain bfp 8 weeks back pain pregnancy 8 ways back pain 8 months back pain t8 back pain 8 weeks pregnant back pain 8 months pregnant back pain back pain 9 weeks pregnant back pain 9dpo back pain 9 months after epidural back pain 9 days before period back pain 9 months pregnant back pain 9 weeks pregnant twins back pain 9 months postpartum back pain 9 days after ovulation back pain 9 month pregnancy back pain 9 months after giving birth icd 9 back pain 9 dpo back pain channel 9 back pain story 9 weeks back pain icd 9 back pain lower icd 9 back pain codes channel 9 back pain icd 9 back pain pregnancy channel 9 back pain breakthrough icd 9 back pain chronic back pain 10 weeks back pain 10 days before period back pain 10 weeks pregnant back pain 10 years after epidural back pain 10 days after period back pain 10 year old back pain 10 months after epidural back pain 10 weeks pregnant with twins back pain 10 weeks postpartum 10 back pain myths 10 back pain remedies 10 dpo back pain icd 10 back pain 10 weeks back pain endep 10 back pain 10 dpo back pain bfp 10 surprising back pain causes 10 easy back pain remedies cd 10 back pain
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When I meet new people, I always hear how a chiropractor helped them with their back pain, neck pain, headaches and more. You would think chiropractic is merely a treatment for these ailments. Did you know that the goal of care has nothing to do with pain though? Chiropractors, particularly those who focus on structural correction of the spine, are concerned with stabilizing the spine and returning it to what is considered normal alignment. If the goal of care isn't to treat pain directly, then why has the chiropractic profession become associated with symptom relief?
The reason for this is that many symptoms (or what we call secondary conditions) occur because of an underlying issue.

 Secondary conditions like neck pain, back pain, and headaches are typically not the primary issue causing your discomfort. To illustrate this, let's compare your spine to the foundation of a house. If the foundation of your house sunk in by a couple inches on one side, do you think there may be some cracks that appear in your walls? Would your windows possibly become more difficult to open and close? Do you think your floorboards might creak? As you can see, there are a number of "symptoms" going on in this house. What you may have also noticed is that the creaking floors, stiff windows, and cracked walls are the result of an underlying issue - a structural shift in the foundation of your house.

Traditional practitioners, regardless of profession, tend to treat symptoms. They will show up to your house and patch the walls, WD-40 the windows, and put a few more nails in the floorboards. Will this resolve the issues? It definitely will. However, what are the chances your secondary conditions will reappear if you don't address the foundation? What you really want is someone who focuses on the foundation of your house to come in and evaluate the support beams, the concrete slab, anchors and other supporting structures. After that is addressed, it definitely makes sense to address the secondary conditions if they aren't resolved already.

Your spine is the foundation of your body. Muscles, blood vessels, nerves, ligaments and more connect to or traverse through your spine. What would happen if your spine shifted away from normal alignment? Is it possible that some of the structures connected to your spine may show symptoms such as pain, decreased strength or stiffness? By addressing the underlying issues with the spine (similar to how architects and engineers analyze buildings) we can stabilize the foundation. When this occurs, many secondary conditions will resolve.

Chiropractors get great results when it comes to back pain, neck pain and headaches. As you now know, it is for reasons you may not have considered. When the foundation of your body is strong, it functions better. If you have any secondary conditions that may be related to an unstable spine, think about contacting a chiropractor that focuses on structural correction. After all, patching your walls and using WD-40 on your windows only works for so long.
For more articles like this, visit http://www.chiropracticprecision.com. Dr. Tully blogs about many health topics.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Grant_Tully/2111603


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